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Reading and Relaxing

A few reading tips:

Whilst reading engenders a variety of skills necessary for critical language analysis, comprehension and varied writing techniques - it develops concentration, cognitive processing and the ability to become a coherent, lucid thinker.

  • Never stop reading to children on a daily/weekly basis, regardless of age

  • Reading should be done in a relaxed manner

  • Set the example and read your own books/newspapers in front of children

  • Subscribe to First News/leave the Sunday papers for children to look at throughout the week (visual literacy- looking at pictures and discussing them are equally important)

  • Story tapes and story CD’s at night work well

  • Enable children to find their own media and genres of choice - choice empowers learners

  • Encourage discovery, choice and a range of levels for reading rather than prescribing limited options

  • Children’s National Geographic, Aquila, sports/culture/music magazines are a treat!

  • For further reference see

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