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Have a super Easter

It has been a wonderful, busy spring term once again. The daffodils have sprung and there is a brilliant sense of joy and sunshine about.

Our Year 2 and Year 6 SATS pupils have been working hard this term in preparation for May assessments. All our Year 2 pupils have succeeded once again in their entrance tests. Some of our older students have been preparing for scholarships and pending GCSE Examinations. Our Year 6 pupils have all gained places at their first school’s of choice In January’s 11+ ISEB Entrance Tests. Well done all!

We also welcome new joiners to Vere Education this term.

Congratulations on the following pupils receiving places at their schools of choice and

achievements this term :

City of London Freeman’s School

Key Stage 2:



Key Stage 3:


Kings College Wimbledon A level Entrance

Alex K

Epsom College

Vika K

Reeds School, Cobham

Third Form

Ieuan S.


St John’s College, Leatherhead


Yelda: Awarded all round Scholarship for Key Stage 3 and 4

Claremont Fan Court School

Year 9:




It has also been exciting hearing from alumni, Harry North being awarded National prize winner and publication for his exceptional writing ability.

Please keep sending news on your children’s learning journeys!

Have a super Easter! We look forward to working with your children next term.


Michelle & Team

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